In ULA monopulse, i can't find sum beam and difference beam

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
종영 2024년 4월 4일
답변: praguna manvi 2025년 2월 3일
clc; clear all; close all;
% Transmitted signal
f = 3e8; %[Hz]
c = 3e8;
lambda = c/f;
N = 10; %number of element
theta = -89:0.05:89;
theta_0 = 0;
d = lambda / 2;
Nx = 10;
theta_steering = 5; % steering 각도 +-5
at = exp(1j*2*(0:N-1)'*pi*d/lambda*sind((theta)/2));
w_left = exp(-1j*2*(0:N-1)'*pi*d/lambda*sind((theta_0)-(theta_steering)));
w_right = exp(-1j*2*(0:N-1)'*pi*d/lambda*sind((theta_0)+(theta_steering)));
Beam_left = w_left.*exp(1j*2*(0:N-1)'*pi*d/lambda*sind((theta)));
Beam_right = w_right.*exp(1j*2*(0:N-1)'*pi*d/lambda*sind((theta)));
Beam_left2 = sum(Beam_left,1);
Beam_left3 = abs(Beam_left2/max(Beam_left2));
Beam_right2 = sum(Beam_right,1);
Beam_right3 = abs(Beam_right2/max(Beam_right2));
hold on
xlim([-90 90])
ylim([-50 0])
grid on
ylabel("Normalized Pattern [dB]")
title("left beam and right beam of amplitude comparison monopulse")
legend('left beam','right beam')
%% sum & difference
w_sum = w_left + w_right;
w_diff = w_left - w_right;
Beam_sum = Beam_left + Beam_right;
Beam_sum2 = sum(Beam_sum, 1);
Beam_sum3 = abs(Beam_sum2/max(Beam_sum2));
Beam_diff = Beam_left - Beam_right;
Beam_diff2 = sum(Beam_diff,1);
Beam_diff3 = abs(Beam_diff2/max(Beam_diff2));
hold on
xlim([-90 90])
ylim([-30 0])
grid on
ylabel("Normalized Pattern [dB]")
title("sum and difference beam pattern in dB")
legend('sum beam','difference beam')
%% error voltage
% err_vol = real((w_diff.'*p_th2)./(w_sum.'*p_th2));
% err_vol = sum(err_vol,1);
in this code , left beam and right beam is correct?
this case i think sum beam and diffence beam figure is needed to exchange but i can't find error in this code

답변 (1개)

praguna manvi
praguna manvi 2025년 2월 3일
As I understand, you are looking to plot the sum and difference monopulse for a ULA. Refer to the documentation link below under the algorithms section for detailed information on the "sum-and-difference monopulse algorithm":
If you are interested in performing tracking using the phased.SumDifferenceMonopulseTracker with the "sum-and-difference" method, refer to this example for more information:


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