Object detection using coral TPu

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
ahmad 2024년 3월 30일
답변: Gojo 2024년 3월 31일
Can matlab support coral TPu. I want to detect object using coral screenshot attached. I trained faster rccn on matlab can I used it in Coral TPu to detect object.if possible than how?

답변 (1개)

Gojo 2024년 3월 31일
Hey Ahmad,
As per my understanding, coral TPU only supports "TensorFlow Lite" models. Since you have already trained a "Faster R-CNN" model in MATLAB, export your model along with weights and architecture. Please refer to the following documentation for exporting a deep neural network to "TensorFlow":
You may also refer to the File Exchange submission by MathWorks for converting a network or a layergraph as a "TensorFlow" model:
Convert the "TensorFlow" model into "TensorFlow Lite" using "TensorFlow Lite" Converter and compile it using "Edge TCU compiler".
After that you can call python in MATLAB using "pyrun" function:
You can also import the "TensorFlow Lite" model in MATLAB using "loadTFLiteModel": https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/loadtflitemodel.html
You may also use the Interface for the "TensorFlow Lite" by MathWorks as provided on the File Exchange:
I hope this helps!


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