Real Time Robotic Arm

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
ceren öztürk
ceren öztürk 2024년 3월 16일
답변: Dimitri MANKOV 2024년 4월 2일
I want to ask about how can I make a real time data robot arm;
I have a robotic arm simulation in simulink.I want to be able to create a graph that will give information in real time when there is a disruption in the robot arm or any value changes. Do you have any suggestions about this?

답변 (1개)

Dimitri MANKOV
Dimitri MANKOV 2024년 4월 2일
Hello Ceren,
One possible approach would be to look into the Simulink Real-Time toolbox, which would allow you to deploy your Simulink model on a dedicated real-time target machine from Speedgoat. That machine would be connected to your robotic arm and could send control signals to it, as well as log real-time signal data.


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