Question regarding implementation of source code for Generalised regression neural network (newgrnn)

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
I was comparing the source code from the function newgrnn vs the original implementation as stated in Specht (1991).
In Specht's paper, he denotes the estimate as .
Noting specifically from the choice of kernal estimator that inside the brackets is . In the source code for the GRNN, in lines 115 to 127, it shows:
% Simulation
net.inputs{1}.size = R;
net.layers{1}.size = Q;
net.inputWeights{1,1}.weightFcn = 'dist';
net.layers{1}.netInputFcn = 'netprod';
net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'radbasn';
net.layers{2}.size = S;
net.layerWeights{2,1}.weightFcn = 'dotprod';
% Weight and Bias Values
net.b{1} = zeros(Q,1)+sqrt(-log(.5))/param.spread;
net.iw{1,1} = p';
net.lw{2,1} = t;
I am trying to figure out why this code differs from Spechts paper with regards to
net.b{1} = zeros(Q,1)+sqrt(-log(.5))/param.spread;
% And not
net.b{1} = zeros(Q,1)+sqrt(1/2)/param.spread; % as it is indicated from Spechts paper.
A quick and dirty simulation with a hand created version (1d only) and the GRNN function in matlab demonstrates this point:
clear all
close all
x = (-2:1:2)';
x = normalize(x);
y =[-1,-1,-1,0,1]';
net = newgrnn(x',y',sigma);
testx = (-4:.1:4)';
prediction_newgrnn = net(testx')';
% Own simulation of GRNN from Spechts paper
output_v2 = grnn_own_v2(x,y,sigma,testx);
output_v3 = grnn_own_v3(x,y,sigma,testx);
hold on
% Differing constants plot
hold on
% Differing constants plot
function output1 = grnn_own_v2(x,y,sigma,testx)
for j = 1:length(testx)
for i = 1:length(x)
d(i) = transpose(testx(j) - x(i))*(testx(j) - x(i));
exp_vec(i) = exp(-d(i)/((2*sigma^2)));
output1(j) = dot(y,exp_vec)/sum(exp_vec);
clear d
clear exp_vec
function output2 = grnn_own_v3(x,y,sigma,testx)
for j = 1:length(testx)
for i = 1:length(x)
d(i) = transpose(testx(j) - x(i))*(testx(j) - x(i));
exp_vec(i) = exp(-(-log(.5))*d(i)/((sigma^2)));
output2(j) = dot(y,exp_vec)/sum(exp_vec);
clear d
clear exp_vec
So the question remains, why is the numerator in the bias term
and not 1/sqrt(2)?
Many thanks for reading :).

답변 (1개)

Aditya 2024년 4월 15일
The use of sqrt(-log(0.5)) instead of 1/sqrt(2) is a specific choice that relates to how the bias influences the shape and spread of the radial basis function in the neural network. It ensures that the neuron's activation decreases to 0.5 at a distance determined by the spread parameter, aligning with the desired behavior of the RBF neuron. This choice is mathematically justified and aligns with the goal of controlling the neuron's response relative to the spread parameter.
  댓글 수: 1
George 2024년 4월 15일
Many thanks for replying Aditya.
"This choice is mathematically justified and aligns with the goal of controlling the neuron's response relative to the spread parameter."
May I ask that you send/point me in the reference for this mathematical justification you are talking about?

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