Making something like 'findpeaks' function without using threshold
조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
이전 댓글 표시
Hi! i want to ask about the code i am making. i am making myself a for loop like a finpeaks (but i don't want to use that and any threshold for a more automatic approach) on my data and i am having a problem with showing the valid peaks/valleys because some ot the shown peaks/valleys were not the one i want to be shown. I have my code here and was cracking my brains out for a solution. If you look at the photo, the plot cannot show some valid peaks/valleys (colored greed), and some non valid ones are shown in some. Can you help me?
I attached the data and the photo of the plot.
% Design for bandpass filter (Butterworth filter)
fs = 1000; % Sampling frequency
f_low = 0.1; % Low cutoff frequency
f_high = 10; % High cutoff frequency
order = 2; % Filter order
% Bandpass filtering
[b, a] = butter(order, [f_low, f_high]/(fs/2));
mag_filtered = filtfilt(b, a, acc);
% Set up plot with aspect ratio adjustment
% Plot for the main data
h_main = plot(NaN, NaN, 'k'); % Main plot in black
hold on;
h_peaks = plot(NaN, NaN, 'or'); % Red markers for peaks
h_valleys = plot(NaN, NaN, 'ob'); % Blue markers for valleys
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Filtered Magnitude');
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys');
% Set up additional plot for the entire data
h_total = plot(NaN, NaN);
% Set up additional plot for the animated entire data
h_total_animated = plot(NaN, NaN, 'k');
% Set up a new figure for temporary data
h_temp = plot(NaN, NaN);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Filtered Magnitude');
title('Temporary Data');
% Animation parameters
step = 300; % Number of points/data to display in each step
delay = 0.01; % Delay between steps in seconds
% Initialize arrays to store peaks and valleys
peaks_x = [];
peaks_y = [];
valleys_x = [];
valleys_y = [];
% Initialize additional variables
time_total = [];
mag_total = [];
time_data_new = [];
mag_data_new = [];
% Initialize variables to track highest peak and lowest valley
highest_peak = -inf;
lowest_valley = inf;
% Initialize variables to track all peaks and valleys
all_peaks_x = [];
all_peaks_y = [];
all_valleys_x = [];
all_valleys_y = [];
% Initialize variables to track the number of steps since the last peak or valley
steps_since_peak = 0;
steps_since_valley = 0;
% Main loop for animation
for i = 1:step:numel(time)
% Extract a portion of data for the current step
time_data_new = time(i:min(i+step-1, numel(time)));
mag_data_new = mag_filtered(i:min(i+step-1, numel(time)));
% Find the highest peak and lowest valley within the current step
max_value = max(mag_data_new);
min_value = min(mag_data_new);
% Update the highest peak and lowest valley if found
if max_value > highest_peak
highest_peak = max_value;
peaks_x = time_data_new(mag_data_new == highest_peak);
peaks_y = highest_peak;
steps_since_peak = 0;
steps_since_peak = steps_since_peak + 1;
if min_value < lowest_valley
lowest_valley = min_value;
valleys_x = time_data_new(mag_data_new == lowest_valley);
valleys_y = lowest_valley;
steps_since_valley = 0;
steps_since_valley = steps_since_valley + 1;
% Update all peaks and valleys arrays
all_peaks_x = [all_peaks_x peaks_x];
all_peaks_y = [all_peaks_y peaks_y];
all_valleys_x = [all_valleys_x valleys_x];
all_valleys_y = [all_valleys_y valleys_y];
% Update plot for the entire data
set(h_total, 'XData', time(1:i), 'YData', mag_filtered(1:i));
% Update plot for animated entire data
set(h_total_animated, 'XData', time(1:i), 'YData', mag_filtered(1:i));
% Update main plot
set(h_main, 'XData', time_data_new, 'YData', mag_data_new);
% Update plot
drawnow; % Force the plot to refresh
% Plot all stored peaks and valleys
set(h_peaks, 'XData', all_peaks_x, 'YData', all_peaks_y);
set(h_valleys, 'XData', all_valleys_x, 'YData', all_valleys_y);
% Update plot for time_temp and mag_temp
set(h_temp, 'XData', time_data_new(:), 'YData', mag_data_new(:));
% Reset the highest peak and lowest valley if no new peak or valley is found within 10 steps
if steps_since_peak >= 10
highest_peak = -inf;
if steps_since_valley >= 10
lowest_valley = inf;
댓글 수: 2
Steven Lord
2024년 3월 14일
If one of the reasons you don't want to use findpeaks is because you don't have Signal Processing Toolbox, take a look at the islocalmax and islocalmin functions in MATLAB.
채택된 답변
Kevin Holly
2024년 3월 14일
Is there a particular reason that you don't want to use findpeaks function?
To be clear on what you would like as an output, would the peaks and valleys detected below work for you?
%Load data
Data = importfile('TV_500ml_Hong.csv');
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys')
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Filtered Magnitude')
prominencethreshold = 0.01;
[peaks, locsPeaks] = findpeaks(Data.YgPlot1, 'MinPeakProminence', prominencethreshold);
hold on; % Keep the plot for adding peaks and valleys
plot(Data.TimePlot1(locsPeaks), peaks, 'v', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g','MarkerEdgeColor','none'); % Plot peaks
% Find and plot valleys by inverting the data
[invertedValleys, locsValleys] = findpeaks(-Data.YgPlot1, 'MinPeakProminence', prominencethreshold);
valleys = -invertedValleys; % Convert back to original scale
plot(Data.TimePlot1(locsValleys), valleys, '^', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r','MarkerEdgeColor','none'); % Plot valleys
hold off;
legend('Data', 'Peaks', 'Valleys','Location','northeastoutside');
In the next section, I applied the peak and valley detection to the other 3 plots found in the spreadsheet. A helper function called plotpeaksandvalleys was created to reduce repetitive code.
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys')
xlabel('Time (s)')
hold on
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys')
xlabel('Time (s)')
hold on
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys')
xlabel('Time (s)')
hold on
title('Animated Peaks and Valleys')
xlabel('Time (s)')
hold on
function plotpeaksandvalleys(x,y,prominencethreshold)
[peaks, locsPeaks] = findpeaks(y, 'MinPeakProminence', prominencethreshold);
hold on; % Keep the plot for adding peaks and valleys
plot(x(locsPeaks), peaks, 'v', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'g','MarkerEdgeColor','none'); % Plot peaks
% Find and plot valleys by inverting the data
[invertedValleys, locsValleys] = findpeaks(-y, 'MinPeakProminence', prominencethreshold);
valleys = -invertedValleys; % Convert back to original scale
plot(x(locsValleys), valleys, '^', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'r','MarkerEdgeColor','none'); % Plot valleys
hold off;
legend('Data', 'Peaks', 'Valleys','Location','northeastoutside');
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