User Defined Functions in MATLAB

조회 수: 26 (최근 30일)
Spaceman 2024년 3월 6일
댓글: Spaceman 2024년 3월 6일
Given: Write a function prodby2_username that will recieve a value of a positive integer N and will calculate and return the product of the odd integers from 1 to N. Your function call should look like this : P = prodby2_username(N)
Find: How to write a function to fulfill the above parameters.
Issue: I can get the code to run, just not with the function call including the (N) input argument...
My Solution: I can get it to work in this configuration, with the call function of P = prodby2_kweave19 but not sure what to do about N...
function product = prodby2_kweave19(~) % Matlab recommended ~ since I don't have N in my function, *yet
% prodby2_kweave19 will produce product from 1 to N
% prodby2_kweave19 will receive a value of a positive integer N and will
% calculate and return the product of the odd integers from 1 to N.
product = prod(1:2:input('N= ')); % User inputs N, prod multiplies by all odd integers
The above functions as it's intended to, e.g. after typing MY function call it will prompt the user for a number i.e. 7 will return 105 as P. I just am finding difficulty with incorporating N another way that satisfies the requirements and can be called with P = prodby2_kweave19

채택된 답변

Matt J
Matt J 2024년 3월 6일
편집: Matt J 2024년 3월 6일
ans = 15
function product = prodby2_kweave19(N)
product = prod(1:2:N); % User inputs N, as the argument to the function
  댓글 수: 4
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024년 3월 6일
N = input('N= ');
function product = prodby2_kweave19(N)
product = prod(1:2:N); % User inputs N, as the argument to the function
Spaceman 2024년 3월 6일
Thank you. MATLAB humbles me daily.

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