Difference Plot in matlab

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
SGK 2024년 2월 11일
이동: Torsten 2024년 2월 11일
I have a set of values of time signal (400x1) and out.values.A (400x1)
Another set of simulated values of time signal (1000x1) and out.values.B (1000x1)
Is it possible to plot the difference plot between A and B (ie. Time signal in X axis and difference between A and B in Y axis).

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Torsten 2024년 2월 11일
이동: Torsten 2024년 2월 11일
You must either interpolate the output values of the first signal to the times of the second signal or the output values of the second signal to the times of the first signal. In both cases use "interp1".

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