matlab error

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
mohan gopal
mohan gopal 2011년 11월 8일
respected sir/mam
i have formulated coding for rayleigh fading algorithm in matlab
for i=1:25
i got the x and y values plotted in the output but no plotting of values in graph pls help me simulate this prblm , thanks in advance

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2011년 11월 8일
You would need to call "hold on" after you've made the first call to plot. Otherwise a new call to plot blows away your previous stuff.
But rather than plotting each and every point one at a time, I'd recommend plotting the whole array in one single call to plot() after your loop has finished.
Also, I believe you can edit your post to pick a more descriptive subject line than "matlab error" such as "plotting trouble" or something like that.


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