Surge Control Design for centrifugal Compressor

조회 수: 16 (최근 30일)
MADUKA CHIKA 2023년 12월 22일
댓글: Jon 2024년 1월 25일
Please I'm new to simulation and modelling, how do I model and simulate a surge control system for a centrifugal compressor?
  댓글 수: 3
MADUKA CHIKA 2024년 1월 25일
Thanks I've taken the simulink course, my project is developing an anti-surge controller for centrifugal compressor using fuzzy logic controller, How possible is this using Simulink and can you recommend further tutorials to guide?
Jon 2024년 1월 25일
I'm sure it is possible to use Simulink for your project. It is a very general purpose simulation tool, that is well suited to this type of problem.
Taking the Simulink on-ramp was a good first step.
Learning how to build models of dynamic systems is a skill that takes some time to develop.
I would suggest first making a simulation of a simple PID position control system for a linear mass-spring-dashpot plant where you can easily verify your results against known results (or an independent analysis of your own in MATLAB). You can then build your skills from there.
Once you get far enough with your project and implementation to have some specific questions on how to address some particular issue with your Simulink model you can probably get lots of assistance by posting those specific questions on MATLAB Answers.
By the way, this thread seems to be a duplicate of It looks like your question here is a duplicate of
In the future please only post one question on the same topic as it is difficult for people to follow multiple entries

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