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Problem with resNet18 on multi-spectral image segmentation

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
文文 2023년 12월 13일
댓글: 文文 2023년 12월 15일
Hi, i was trying to deploy multi-spectral image segmentation with resnet18 refering to this answer resnet50-on-multi-spectral-image-segmentation. When it trains with rgb images, the performance is not bad. Then i change the images into multi-spectral images(array size are 1024*1024*151), but i got the following error "Invalid training data. The output size (3) of the last layer does not match the number of classes of the responses (1)."
Can anyone help me on that?
imageDir = 'C:\dataset\train_images';
imds = MySequenceDatastore(imageDir);
classNames = ["norm","low","high"];
labelDir = 'C:\dataset\PixelLabelData';
labelIDs = [0,1,2];
pxds = pixelLabelDatastore(labelDir,classNames,labelIDs);
imageSize = [1024 1024 3];
N = 151;
numClasses = numel(classNames);
lgraph = deeplabv3plusLayers(imageSize, numClasses, "resnet18");
layers = lgraph.Layers;
newlgraph = replaceLayer(lgraph,'data',imageInputLayer([1024 1024 N],'Name','input'));
newlgraph = replaceLayer(newlgraph,'conv1',convolution2dLayer(7,64,'stride',[2 2],'padding',[3 3 3 3],'Name','conv1'));
trainData = combine(imds,pxds);
opts = trainingOptions('sgdm',...
[net,info] = trainNetwork(trainData,newlgraph,opts);
%% function MySequenceDatastore
classdef MySequenceDatastore < matlab.io.Datastore & ...
properties(SetAccess = protected)
properties(Access = private)
% This property is inherited from Datastore
function ds = MySequenceDatastore(folder)
% Construct a MySequenceDatastore object
% Create a file datastore. The readSequence function is
% defined following the class definition.
fds = fileDatastore(folder, ...
'ReadFcn',@readSequence, ...
ds.Datastore = fds;
% Read labels from folder names
numObservations = numel(fds.Files);
for i = 1:numObservations
file = fds.Files{i};
filepath = fileparts(file);
[~,label] = fileparts(filepath);
labels{i,1} = label;
ds.Labels = categorical(labels);
ds.NumClasses = numel(unique(labels));
% Determine sequence dimension. When you define the LSTM
% network architecture, you can use this property to
% specify the input size of the sequenceInputLayer.
X = preview(fds);
ds.SequenceDimension = size(X,1);
% Initialize datastore properties.
ds.MiniBatchSize = 1; %128
ds.NumObservations = numObservations;
ds.CurrentFileIndex = 1;
function dsNew = shuffle(ds)
% dsNew = shuffle(ds) shuffles the files and the
% corresponding labels in the datastore.
% Create a copy of datastore
dsNew = copy(ds);
dsNew.Datastore = copy(ds.Datastore);
fds = dsNew.Datastore;
% Shuffle files and corresponding labels
numObservations = dsNew.NumObservations;
idx = randperm(numObservations);
fds.Files = fds.Files(idx);
dsNew.Labels = dsNew.Labels(idx);
function tf = hasdata(ds)
% Return true if more data is available
tf = ds.CurrentFileIndex + ds.MiniBatchSize - 1 ...
<= ds.NumObservations;
function [data,info] = read(ds)
% Read one mini-batch batch of data
miniBatchSize = ds.MiniBatchSize;
info = struct;
for i = 1:miniBatchSize
predictors{i,1} = read(ds.Datastore);
responses(i,1) = ds.Labels(ds.CurrentFileIndex);
ds.CurrentFileIndex = ds.CurrentFileIndex + 1;
data = preprocessData(ds,predictors,responses);
function data = preprocessData(ds,predictors,responses)
% data = preprocessData(ds,predictors,responses) preprocesses
% the data in predictors and responses and returns the table
% data
miniBatchSize = ds.MiniBatchSize;
% Pad data to length of longest sequence.
sequenceLengths = cellfun(@(X) size(X,2),predictors);
maxSequenceLength = max(sequenceLengths);
for i = 1:miniBatchSize
X = predictors{i};
% Pad sequence with zeros.
if size(X,2) < maxSequenceLength
X(:,maxSequenceLength) = 0;
predictors{i} = X;
% Return data as a table.
data = table(predictors,responses);
function reset(ds)
% Reset to the start of the data
ds.CurrentFileIndex = 1;
methods (Hidden = true)
function frac = progress(ds)
% Determine percentage of data read from datastore
frac = (ds.CurrentFileIndex - 1) / ds.NumObservations;
  댓글 수: 2
Matt J
Matt J 2023년 12월 13일
It would be easiest if you just attached newlgraph and trainData in a .mat file
Matt J
Matt J 2023년 12월 13일
Also, attach an instance of training and response data by using trainData.read().

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답변 (1개)

Vinayak Choyyan
Vinayak Choyyan 2023년 12월 14일
From a quick look at the code, it looks like your custom datastore is returning a table of predictors and responses. Later you are then combining imds, the custom datastore, with pxds, a pixelLabelDatastore, which is also a response datastore. This might be unintended and the reason for the error.
The error message you are getting comes when the model you are trying to train expects a certain number of classes (3 in your case) but the data passed to it for training has only one class. I suggest using read(trainData) first to check if your training datastore is indeed reading what you expected it to show.
  댓글 수: 9
Vinayak Choyyan
Vinayak Choyyan 2023년 12월 15일
This seems like a data issue. There is a mismatch in array size. The basic issue here is that when trainNetwork is trying to read all the data, some hyperspectral cubes are giving different sizes. You will have to check this out yourself as I do not have the data.
文文 2023년 12월 15일
I totally understand what u mean. It would be even better if u could provide some ideas to check the data.
Thank u for your help in these days.

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