Plotting is not quie correct

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Matthew Palermo
Matthew Palermo 2023년 12월 9일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2023년 12월 10일
I am trying to plot the temeprature curves for emissivity against the wavelength using Planck's Law. The plot I am getting is pretty close, except there is no decrease in emissivity as the wavelength gets very large. I can't tell if it is the way the for loops are running or the equations I typed in. I have attachedmy current code and the graph I am trying to duplicate for clarification. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
C1 = 3.742*10^8; % First constant W-micron^4/m^2
C2 = 1.4388*10^4; %Second constant microns-K
T = 100:100:6000; %Temperature in Kelvins
lambda = 0.1:0.1:25; %wavelength in microns
lengthT = length(T);
length_L = length(lambda);
E = zeros(lengthT,length_L);
for i = 1:lengthT
for j = 1:length_L
term1(i,j) = C2./(lambda(j)*T(i));
E= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1-1));
loglog(lambda, E)
xlim([0, 2.5*10^1])
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2023년 12월 10일
In order to produce that kind of graph, your expression would need some term that first increased in time and then decreased in time. I am not finding any term in your code that has that property ?

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답변 (1개)

Torsten 2023년 12월 9일
for i = 1:lengthT
for j = 1:length_L
term1(i,j) = C2./(lambda(j)*T(i));
E(i,j)= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1(i,j)-1));
%E= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1-1));
instead of
for i = 1:lengthT
for j = 1:length_L
term1(i,j) = C2./(lambda(j)*T(i));
E= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1-1));
  댓글 수: 4
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 12월 10일
@Matthew Palermo for completeness, could you post your complete, corrected code? It might help other people. 🙂
Torsten 2023년 12월 10일
편집: Torsten 2023년 12월 10일
I tried that earlier and got the same result
Strange. I get a similar result as in your graphic.
C1 = 3.742*10^8; % First constant W-micron^4/m^2
C2 = 1.4388*10^4; %Second constant microns-K
T = 100:100:6000; %Temperature in Kelvins
lambda = 0.1:0.1:25; %wavelength in microns
lengthT = length(T);
length_L = length(lambda);
E = zeros(lengthT,length_L);
for i = 1:lengthT
for j = 1:length_L
term1(i,j) = C2./(lambda(j)*T(i));
E(i,j)= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1(i,j)-1));
%E= C1./((lambda(j)^5)*exp(term1-1));
loglog(lambda, E)
xlim([0, 2.5*10^1])

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