Is the loaded variable from workspace into simulink model will be automatically deployed to raspberry Pi?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Hello everybody,
I am doing the project on deploy simulink model into the Raspberry Pi board. I can run this simulink model with Gazebo that utillize the ROS /odom subscriber and /cmd_vel publisher. But when I deployed the simulink model into the Raspberry Pi and run the execuable file Its seem that there is nothing running between raspberry pi and gazebo. Therefore, I think about maybe if the simulink model that require the variable data from workspace from MATLAB (Usually, I have to load the variable everytime I want to run the simulink model with Gazebo) did not automatically deployed with the model. Before I deployed simulink model into Raspberry Pi, I have run the simulink model which i already loaded the variable into the simulink model. By the way, I deployed the simulink model to be C++.
The variable that have to be used
The simulink model
If the variable did not automatically loaded with simulink model How can I deploy or fixed this problem.
Thank you so much in advance for your help.

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