How to make surf plot have different x scales?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Sharon 2023년 11월 19일
댓글: Voss 2023년 11월 20일
Hi there,
I have plotted a 2D graph using the surf(x,t,w) function first and then using the view(2) commend. The W is a 2000x11matrix. x denotes space and is the 1x11 vector. t denotes time and is the 1x2000 vector. Now I want to rescale space x. For each time t, x is rescaled differently. For example, when t=t_1, x is rescaled to 1.2x (each element in the vector x is multiplied by 1.2); when t=t_2, x is rescaled to 1.5x (each element in the vector x is multiplied by 1.5); and so on. How can I achieve this? Any help would be appreciated! Attached is the graph I get.

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Voss 2023년 11월 19일
% define t,x,W variables:
Nx = 11;
Nt = 2000;
W = (Nx:-1:1).*(Nt:-1:1).'/4500;
t = linspace(0,200,Nt);
x = linspace(0,1,Nx)
x = 1×11
0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000
% plot original:
% generate factors to multiply x by, one for each element of t:
x_factor = 1.2+0.3*(0:Nt-1) % 1.2, 1.5, and so on
x_factor = 1×2000
1.2000 1.5000 1.8000 2.1000 2.4000 2.7000 3.0000 3.3000 3.6000 3.9000 4.2000 4.5000 4.8000 5.1000 5.4000 5.7000 6.0000 6.3000 6.6000 6.9000 7.2000 7.5000 7.8000 8.1000 8.4000 8.7000 9.0000 9.3000 9.6000 9.9000
% make matrices called tt (from t) and xx (from x and x_factors)
% t gets replicated:
tt = repmat(t(:),1,Nx);
% x gets multiplied by the factors:
xx = x.*x_factor(:)
xx = 2000×11
0 0.1200 0.2400 0.3600 0.4800 0.6000 0.7200 0.8400 0.9600 1.0800 1.2000 0 0.1500 0.3000 0.4500 0.6000 0.7500 0.9000 1.0500 1.2000 1.3500 1.5000 0 0.1800 0.3600 0.5400 0.7200 0.9000 1.0800 1.2600 1.4400 1.6200 1.8000 0 0.2100 0.4200 0.6300 0.8400 1.0500 1.2600 1.4700 1.6800 1.8900 2.1000 0 0.2400 0.4800 0.7200 0.9600 1.2000 1.4400 1.6800 1.9200 2.1600 2.4000 0 0.2700 0.5400 0.8100 1.0800 1.3500 1.6200 1.8900 2.1600 2.4300 2.7000 0 0.3000 0.6000 0.9000 1.2000 1.5000 1.8000 2.1000 2.4000 2.7000 3.0000 0 0.3300 0.6600 0.9900 1.3200 1.6500 1.9800 2.3100 2.6400 2.9700 3.3000 0 0.3600 0.7200 1.0800 1.4400 1.8000 2.1600 2.5200 2.8800 3.2400 3.6000 0 0.3900 0.7800 1.1700 1.5600 1.9500 2.3400 2.7300 3.1200 3.5100 3.9000
% plot rescaled result:
  댓글 수: 2
Sharon 2023년 11월 20일
Hi Voss, thank you very much for answering my question. It is very helpful. I have a question. What is the variable W you defined? Could you explain it a little? Thanks.
Voss 2023년 11월 20일
You're welcome!
The variable W I have defined is just some matrix I made up, since I don't have your W.

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