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How to auto save workspace variable with specific path and filename without Popup?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
d = 'Sunday'; y = 2017;
path = 'E:\Matlab\';
filenam = 'Data';
% uisave({'d','w'},path) % this works with path but ask for filename
% uisave({'d','y'},filenam) % this works with filename but ask where to save
uisave({'d','y'},filenam,path) % i want to save this data without asking anything from user.
% if any other function can do desired task it would be acceptable

채택된 답변

Les Beckham
Les Beckham 2023년 10월 27일
Have you tried using save?
For example:
d = 'Sunday'; y = 2017;
filepath = 'E:\Matlab\';
filename = 'Data';
save(fullfile(filepath, filename), 'd', 'y')
Also do not name a variable path. That is a very important built-in function in Matlab. Overloading that will break a lot of things.
  댓글 수: 3
Les Beckham
Les Beckham 2023년 10월 28일
Also, if you are just getting started with Matlab, I would highly recommend that you take a couple of hours to go through the free online tutorial: Matlab Onramp

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