trying to execute "javaaddpath" from c++ compiled .m file.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Carl Loeffel
Carl Loeffel 2015년 4월 16일
I am calling a compiled .m file from my c++ program that executes "javaaddpath". Upon execution of this line of code, the error statement: [??? Undefined variable "com" or class "com.mathworks.jmi.ClassLoaderManager.getClassLoaderManager"]. I initialize the shared object with my .m file using mclmcrInitialize() followed by if(!mclInitializeApplication(mcc_args, 1)) where mcc_args is "-nodisplay". When I startup matlab manually separate from my c++ application, I see that "com.mathworks.jmi.ClassLoaderManager" exists upon start-up. What do I need to do to have it exist when my compiled .m file executes in my c++ program?

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