job timer

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Baba 2011년 11월 4일
I'm doing some reading and manipulation of a very large text file and this takes alot of time. Is there a way to have a status bar of how much time is left to complete a job once you hit the run button?

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Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor 2011년 11월 4일
Check out the MATLAB function waitbar:
  댓글 수: 1
Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor 2011년 11월 4일
Disclaimer: This solution will only work for you if you are able to pass the update value to waitbar to increment the bar. If you are doing your reading/manipulation in a loop, this might work fine for you. If you are doing this reading/manipulation in built-in MATLAB functions, this might not work for you.

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