Matlab does not show the value of a excel cell

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Eren 2023년 10월 10일
댓글: Dyuman Joshi 2023년 10월 27일
Hello I want to compare two Cells of an Excel file. The values of row B are shown normally but the values in row C are shown as some symbols.
Below is the code.
% Path to Excel Sheet and Sheet Page
excelDatei = 'C:\Users\Eren\Documents\MATLAB\Bachelorarbeit\predicted_labels.xlsx';
blattname = 'Classification'; % Ersetzen Sie 'IhrBlattname' durch den Namen Ihres Blatts
% Read Excel-Sheet
data = readtable(excelDatei, 'Sheet', blattname);
% Not necassary now
%srcOrdner = 'C:\Users\Eren\Documents\MATLAB\Verkehrszeichen\Datastore'; % Ersetzen Sie durch den Pfad zu Ihrem Quellordner
%zielOrdner = 'C:\Users\Eren\Documents\MATLAB\Verkehrszeichen\Missclassified'; % Ersetzen Sie durch den Pfad zu Ihrem Zielordner
% Loop to compare both cells
for zeile = 1:size(data, 1)
wertZelleB = char(data{zeile, 'Classification'}); % 'SpalteB' durch den tatsächlichen Spaltennamen in Ihrer Excel-Datei ersetzen
wertZelleC = char(data{zeile, 'TrueLabel'}); % 'SpalteC' durch den tatsächlichen Spaltennamen in Ihrer Excel-Datei ersetzen
if strcmp(wertZelleB, wertZelleC)
fprintf('Die Zellen in Zeile %d sind gleich.\n', zeile);
fprintf('Die Zellen in Zeile %d sind unterschiedlich. Wert in Spalte B: %s, Wert in Spalte C: %s\n', zeile, wertZelleB, wertZelleC);
% Hier können Sie den Code zum Verschieben der Dateien hinzufügen, wenn sie unterschiedlich sind.
% Beispiel: copyfile(fullfile(srcOrdner, [imageName '.png']), fullfile(zielOrdner, [imageName '.png']));
Values for row B are created with this line:
predictedLabels = classify(GTSRBNet, img);
Classification{i} = predictedLabels;
Values for row C are created with these lines:
startRow = 1;
endRow = 12630;
startCol = 7;
endCol = 7;
% Read data out of csv file
data = readmatrix(CopyFile);
% Select rows and collumns
selectedData = data(startRow:endRow, startCol:endCol);
% Convert data into a cellarray
TrueLabel = num2cell(selectedData);
C = table(TrueLabel);
writetable(C, dateipfad, 'Sheet', 'Classification', 'Range', 'C1');
This is the outcome of the code:
  댓글 수: 2
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 10월 10일
편집: Dyuman Joshi 2023년 10월 27일
@Eren - The problem description seems to be incomplete, as it is not clear what exactly your problem is.
Nor is it clear from your code what you are doing.
What is the type of data in the cells that you are trying to compare?
Why convert to a cell array then to a table when you can directly convert to a table by using array2table?
Stephen23 2023년 10월 10일
편집: Stephen23 2023년 10월 11일
"The values of row B are shown normally but the values in row C are shown as some symbols. "
Note: "Spalte" translates as column, not row.

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답변 (1개)

Pavan Sahith
Pavan Sahith 2023년 10월 27일
Hello Eren,
I understand you want to read the C row's data from '.csv' file and compare the strings in B and C rows.
I can see that you are using "readmatrix" to fetch the data into C row, but According to the MathWorks documentation, "readmatrix" is essentially limited to numeric data by default.
As a workaround using "readcell" or "readmatrix" in the following way will help
data=readmatrix(filename, 'OutputType','string');
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentation to know more about
Hope this helps.
Thanks & Regards
Pavan Sahith
  댓글 수: 1
Dyuman Joshi
Dyuman Joshi 2023년 10월 27일
"... compare the strings in B and C rows."
Where has OP specified that the data is in string format?
You are assuming that the problem is with readmatrix(). csv files can contain numeric data as well.

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