I am now working with the example intelligent-bin-picking-example-with-simulink
After the installation and configuration, when i start to run in simulink, the following error occurred:
Error in 'IntelligentBinPicking/Object Detector/Draw Shapes': The Pts input must be an M-by-4 matrix. Each row specifies a different rectangle and is of the form [x y width height].
Error in port widths or dimensions. 'output 1' of 'IntelligentBinPicking/Object Detector/Data Type Conversion' is a matrix with a maximum size of [8x5].
function bboxes = objectDetector(image)
isSim = coder.target('sfun');
useExtrinsic = isSim && ~simSupported;
[bboxes] = deep.blocks.internal.objectDetector(image, 'C:\Users\jamie\Documents\MATLAB\intelligent-bin-picking-example-with-simulink\Perception\trainedYOLOv4DetectorSimGazebo_cuboid.mat', useExtrinsic, {'Threshold', 0.5, 'SelectStrongest', false}, {'NumStrongest', 8, 'RatioType', 'Union'}, 8, true, false, false);
It turns out the objectDetector output a Mx5 matrix instead of Mx4, I wonder if there is a way to control the output bboxes shape?