where can I find RoadRunner default install path?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
cui,xingxing 2023년 9월 28일
편집: cui,xingxing 2024년 4월 27일
Where can I find RoadRunner default install path?

채택된 답변

cui,xingxing 2023년 9월 28일
편집: cui,xingxing 2024년 4월 27일
The default installed Road-Runner location path is at:
  • Windows, C:\Program Files\RoadRunner <Matlab Release>\bin\win64,For example, C:\Program Files\RoadRunner R2023b\bin\win64
  • Linux(Ubuntu): /usr/local/RoadRunner_<Matlab Release>/bin/glnxa64,For example,/usr/local/RoadRunner_R2023b/bin/glnxa64
<Matlab Release> should be replaced with your own version, e.g. R2023b
To get the version number of your installation, you can get it from the following command:
releaseInfo = matlabRelease;
ans = "R2023b"
-------------------------Off-topic interlude, 2024-------------------------------
I am currently looking for a job in the field of CV algorithm development, based in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China,or a remote support position. I would be very grateful if anyone is willing to offer me a job or make a recommendation. My preliminary resume can be found at: https://cuixing158.github.io/about/ . Thank you!
Email: cuixingxing150@gmail.com

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