How to include a disturbance forecast in MPC Simulink block

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2023년 9월 27일
댓글: Bill Tubbs 2023년 9월 28일
I'm familiar with how to have a measured disturbance input to an MPC but I also want to include a forecast (i.e. future prediction) for this disturbance.
All I could find about this was this tutorial video which shows a non-linear MPC in a Simulink model with a 'Future sample extractor' block feeding the measured disturbance input port (I don't have R2023a right now so I can't open the model file to see how this works).
Is it simply feeding a future value into the MPC at each time instant (i.e. md(t+p) where p is the forecast horizon)?. Or is it feeding in a vector of values representing the forecast starting at time t and going forward to time t+p? I assume the latter since the output of the future sample extractor is labelled 'seq' for sequence I assume.
Is there any documentation on how to do this? I tried searching for 'MPC with disturbance forecast' and all that came up was this video.
  댓글 수: 1
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2023년 9월 28일
I think I might have found the answer here where it explains how to use a future sample extractor for the reference signal. Here, the reference can be a the reference can be a p x Ny matrix. Is it the same for the measured disturbance signal?

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