Reg. Scrambling in Simulink

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
SS 2023년 9월 2일
답변: Govind KM 2024년 9월 11일
Im working on scrambling for one of the communication application. Im trying this with the "Scrambler" block in Simulink.
The idea is to use the polynomial "x^15+x+1" with an initial value, let us say 0xAB (hex value).
However, Im unable to get the expected result. I have studied the Help section of the block.
I guess Im missing something here, being a beginner with Simulink coding.
Suggestions please to understand this and get it working.

답변 (1개)

Govind KM
Govind KM 2024년 9월 11일
The “Initial states” parameter for the “Scrambler” block needs to be a non-negative integer vector of length equal to the order of the “Scramble polynomial” parameter. As the polynomial to be used is “x^15+x+1”, which is of order “15”, the “Initial states” parameter needs to be of length “15” as well, with its element values ranging from 0 to “Calculation base" – 1. A screenshot with example values is attached below:
You can refer to the documentation of the “Scrambler” block for more details:
Hope this resolves the issue.


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