How to search the engine related fault in dat file and dispaly that fault

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
From Engine Calibration data we need to analyse. Through Matlab we need to search the fault with labels and to dispaly the fault name in Excel.If no fault in that file it should dispaly "no fault". If Fault presents it should display the particular fault name.

채택된 답변

Animesh 2023년 8월 31일
Hello @Promoth M,
According to my understanding, you want to identify faults and export these errors to an excel sheet using MATLAB.
To identify faults in an analysis reports you can map all possible fault codes and fault names using Map in MATLAB and export these faults to an excel sheet using writecell or writematrix function in MATLAB.
To read more about Map, writecell and writematrix, please refer to the following documentation :-

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