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How do I truncate a table based on a data window I'd like to use?

조회 수: 14 (최근 30일)
Timothy 2023년 8월 19일
답변: Seth Furman 2023년 9월 14일
I have a table with a DateTime group in the first column. It runs from midnight to midnight on a certain day. I would like to truncate the hours to between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM, and discard all other data in the table. Is there a way to do this, or do I have to translate the date-time to something different to perform this operation? Thank you.

채택된 답변

Voss 2023년 8월 19일
% I construct a table similar to yours:
TimeReceived = datetime(2023,6,26,0,0,(0:60*60*24-1).',2.6,'Format','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS');
N = numel(TimeReceived);
TimeSent = 1.6878e18*ones(N,1);
RecordType = 160*ones(N,1);
T = table(TimeReceived,TimeSent,RecordType)
T = 86400×3 table
TimeReceived TimeSent RecordType ______________________________ __________ __________ 26-Jun-2023 00:00:00.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:01.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:02.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:03.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:04.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:05.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:06.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:07.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:08.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:09.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:10.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:11.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:12.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:13.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:14.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:15.002600000 1.6878e+18 160
% keep only rows of T where TimeReceived is between 8 AM and 3 PM inclusive
tod = timeofday(T.TimeReceived);
idx = tod >= hours(8) & tod <= hours(15);
T = T(idx,:)
T = 25200×3 table
TimeReceived TimeSent RecordType ______________________________ __________ __________ 26-Jun-2023 08:00:00.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:01.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:02.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:03.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:04.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:05.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:06.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:07.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:08.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:09.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:10.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:11.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:12.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:13.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:14.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:15.002600000 1.6878e+18 160

추가 답변 (1개)

Seth Furman
Seth Furman 2023년 9월 14일
Alternatively you can use timerange.
TimeReceived = datetime(2023,6,26,0,0,(0:60*60*24-1).',2.6,'Format','dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS');
N = numel(TimeReceived);
TimeSent = 1.6878e18*ones(N,1);
RecordType = 160*ones(N,1);
tt = timetable(TimeReceived,TimeSent,RecordType)
tt = 86400×2 timetable
TimeReceived TimeSent RecordType ______________________________ __________ __________ 26-Jun-2023 00:00:00.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:01.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:02.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:03.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:04.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:05.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:06.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:07.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:08.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:09.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:10.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:11.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:12.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:13.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:14.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 00:00:15.002600000 1.6878e+18 160
tr = timerange(datetime(2023,6,26,8,0,0),datetime(2023,6,26,15,0,0),"closed");
tt = tt(tr,:);
TimeReceived TimeSent RecordType ______________________________ __________ __________ 26-Jun-2023 08:00:00.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:01.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:02.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:03.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:04.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:05.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:06.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 08:00:07.002600000 1.6878e+18 160
TimeReceived TimeSent RecordType ______________________________ __________ __________ 26-Jun-2023 14:59:52.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:53.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:54.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:55.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:56.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:57.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:58.002600000 1.6878e+18 160 26-Jun-2023 14:59:59.002600000 1.6878e+18 160


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