Parameter data type mismatch in C Function block

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Marco Wagner
Marco Wagner 2023년 8월 14일
답변: Animesh 2023년 8월 21일
Hi there,
I'm using a C Funktion Block for integrating some user customized c funktions into simulink.
In the Symbols section in the C-funtion Block I add a Parameter scope to parametrize this block from the block parameter mask e.g set the SerielPort nummer.
When I do this I get the olling Error:
Parameter data type mismatch in C Function block 'HHTs/HandsHeld'. Block parameter 'COMPortNr' of type 'int8' does not match type of evaluated parameter 'COMPortNr'.
It does not matter whether I use the variable COMPortNr in my C code or not.
Please can someone Help me?
Best regards

답변 (1개)

Animesh 2023년 8월 21일
Hello Marco,
To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the data type of the evaluated parameter 'COMPortNr' matches the data type specified in the block parameter 'COMPortNr'. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the problem:
  • Check the data type of the evaluated parameter 'COMPortNr': Make sure that the evaluated parameter 'COMPortNr' is defined as an 'int8' data type.
  • Verify the data type of the block parameter 'COMPortNr': Double-check that the block parameter 'COMPortNr' is indeed set to 'int8' in the block parameter mask.
  • Ensure consistency in the C code: If you are using the variable 'COMPortNr' in your C code, make sure that its data type matches the block parameter and evaluated parameter.
By ensuring that the data type of the evaluated parameter, block parameter, and C code variable 'COMPortNr' are all consistent and set to 'int8', you should be able to resolve the parameter data type mismatch error in the C Function block.


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