Li-ion battery pack aging

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Nalla Muthu
Nalla Muthu 2023년 8월 9일
답변: Javier Gazzarri 2023년 8월 9일
I am doing aging for li-ion battery pack. I have got output of battery SoH and temperature, now I want to add cell balancing circuit for battery pack and required to simulate SoH and temperature varation. Let me know how to add cell balancing

답변 (1개)

Javier Gazzarri
Javier Gazzarri 2023년 8월 9일
Hello Nalla,
Please consider using the passive balancing block in Simscape Battery. Connecting this to the battery pack will be the easiest way.
Best regards,


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