MATLAB script shift when maximized

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Noble Amadi
Noble Amadi 2023년 8월 4일
답변: Praveen Reddy 2023년 8월 22일
Hey, I'm not sure if this issue is unique to me, but whenever I open my MATLAB program and I maximize it, the script always seems to shift up cutting out the tabs.
If this is not unique to me please let me know how this can be resolved.
Thank you.
  댓글 수: 1
Rik 2023년 8월 4일
Can you put screenshots in your post to show what you mean?

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답변 (1개)

Praveen Reddy
Praveen Reddy 2023년 8월 22일
Hi Noble,
I understand that your script is shifting up and cutting out the tabs when a MATLAB program is opened and maximized. However, this is not an expected behaviour. I suggest you reach out to MATLAB Technical Support using the following link:


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