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Using a cell array as an argument of a function handle

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2023년 7월 19일
댓글: Geovane Gomes 2023년 7월 20일
Hi all,
Is it possible to use a cell array as arguments in a function handle?
For example:
a(1) = {@(x) x(1) + 2};
a(2) = {@(x) x(2) + 3};
a = 1×2 cell array
{@(x)x(1)+2} {@(x)x(2)+3}
b = @(y) y(1) + y(2)
g = function_handle with value:
c = b(a)
Operator '+' is not supported for operands of type 'cell'.

Error in solution>@(y)y(1)+y(2) (line 4)
g = @(y) y(1) + y(2)
I would like to get c = a(1) + a(2) or c = @(x) x(1) + 2 + x(2) + 3;

답변 (1개)

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo 2023년 7월 19일
a(1) = {@(x) x(1) + 2};
a(2) = {@(x) x(2) + 3};
b = @(x) a{1}(x) + a{2}(x); % merging function handles
my_input = [5, 8]; % for example
c = b(my_input)
c = 18
my_input(1) + 2 + my_input(2) + 3 % to test
ans = 18
  댓글 수: 3
Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo 2023년 7월 20일
편집: Angelo Yeo 2023년 7월 20일
I don't actually understand your intention. Why do you want to make two function handles to input "u"? The code below would work with the same result. This uses function handle but only once. You don't have to put "u" as a input for a function handle. You can use element-wise multiplication (.*).
mu = [2e4 12 0.04 2e10 9.82e-4 1e11]; % Mean
sigma = [1.4e3 0.12 4.8e-3 1.2e9 5.9852e-5 6e9]; % Standard deviation
dist = ["normal", "normal", "normal", "normal", "normal","normal"]; % Distribution
numVar = length(mu);
u = zeros(1, 6);
U = mu + sigma.*u;
gx = @(x) 0.03 - (x(1) * x(2) ^ 2) / 2 * (3.81 / (x(3) * x(4)) + 1.13 / (x(5) * x(6))); % Limit state equation
ans = 0.0066
Geovane Gomes
Geovane Gomes 2023년 7월 20일
Actually I need to evaluate the gradient of this:
mu = [2e4 12 0.04 2e10 9.82e-4 1e11]; % Mean
sigma = [1.4e3 0.12 4.8e-3 1.2e9 5.9852e-5 6e9]; % Standard deviation
dist = ["normal", "normal", "normal", "normal", "normal","normal"]; % Distribution
numVar = length(mu);
% Using symbolic
x = sym("x", [1 numVar]);
u = sym("u",[1 numVar]);
gx = 0.03 - (x(1) * x(2) ^ 2) / 2 * (3.81 / (x(3) * x(4)) + 1.13 / (x(5) * x(6))); % Limit state equation
for i = 1:numVar
U(i) = mu(i) + sigma(i) * u(i);
gy = subs(gx,x,U);
nablagy = gradient(gy)
nablagy = 
y = zeros(1, 6);
nablaGy = double(subs(nablagy,u,y))
nablaGy = 6×1
-0.0016 -0.0005 0.0008 0.0004 0.0010 0.0010
mu = [2e4 12 0.04 2e10 9.82e-4 1e11]; % Mean
sigma = [1.4e3 0.12 4.8e-3 1.2e9 5.9852e-5 6e9]; % Standard deviation
dist = ["normal", "normal", "normal", "normal", "normal","normal"]; % Distribution
numVar = length(mu);
u = zeros(1, 6);
U = mu + sigma.*u;
gx = @(x) 0.03 - (x(1) * x(2) ^ 2) / 2 * (3.81 / (x(3) * x(4)) + 1.13 / (x(5) * x(6))); % Limit state equation
ans = 0.0066
nablagx = @(x) gradient(gx(x))
nablagx = function_handle with value:
nablaGx = nablagx(U)
nablaGx = 0

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