Understanding the following step in MATLAB

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
charu shree
charu shree 2023년 7월 5일
댓글: charu shree 2023년 7월 5일
Hello all, I came across the following code on MATLAB but not getting its last step:
symbols = randi([0 3], 1, 256);
constellation = [1+1i, -1+1i, -1-1i, 1-1i];
signal = constellation(symbols + 1); % Last step
My query is why " symbols +1 " is written in last step and why not only " symbols".
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.

채택된 답변

the cyclist
the cyclist 2023년 7월 5일
The line
symbols = randi([0 3], 1, 256)
generates random values from the values [0 1 2 3]. Those zero values are not a valid index int the constellation vector, in other words
would throw an error, because there is no "zeroth element". So, I presume this person adds the 1 to get valid indexing.
They could also have done
symbols = randi([1 4], 1, 256); % Note that I changed the random numbers generated
constellation = [1+1i, -1+1i, -1-1i, 1-1i];
signal = constellation(symbols); % Note that I took away the +1
I'm not sure why they did not code it this way, but maybe the zeros are need later.
  댓글 수: 1
charu shree
charu shree 2023년 7월 5일
@the cyclist, Thanks a lot sir for such a wonderful response...

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추가 답변 (1개)

Paul 2023년 7월 5일
편집: Paul 2023년 7월 5일
The elements in symbols range from 0 - 3, but Matlab uses 1-based indexing, i.e. the indices int0 constellation can only be 1-4.


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