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How the lteFadingChannel sets the center frequency of the carrier

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
bin 2023년 6월 26일
답변: Cyrus Monteiro 2023년 6월 28일
In lteFadingChannel, there is no option to set the carrier frequency, how to set the center frequency of the carrier

답변 (1개)

Cyrus Monteiro
Cyrus Monteiro 2023년 6월 28일
In the lteFadingChannel function in MATLAB, you cannot directly set the carrier frequency or center frequency of the channel. The lteFadingChannel function models a fading channel based on the specified channel model and assumes a carrier frequency of 1.4 GHz.
If you need to modify the carrier frequency, you can perform a frequency shift on the transmitted signal before passing it through the fading channel. This can be done by multiplying the signal with a complex exponential term that represents the frequency shift. The complex exponential term can be generated using the desired carrier frequency and the sampling rate.
Here's an example of how you can perform a frequency shift on the transmitted signal:
% Set the desired carrier frequency in Hz
carrierFrequency = 2e9;
% Set the sampling rate in Hz
samplingRate = 10e6;
% Generate a time vector for the signal
t = 0:1/samplingRate:1;
% Generate the transmitted signal (example: single-tone signal)
transmittedSignal = cos(2*pi*1e6*t);
% Perform frequency shift
shiftedSignal = transmittedSignal .* exp(1i*2*pi*carrierFrequency*t);
% Pass the shifted signal through the fading channel
fadedSignal = lteFadingChannel(..., shiftedSignal);
% Continue processing the faded signal
In the example above, the carrierFrequency variable represents the desired carrier frequency in Hz, and the samplingRate variable represents the sampling rate of the signal in Hz. The shiftedSignal is obtained by multiplying the transmittedSignal with a complex exponential term that represents the frequency shift.
Please note that this approach assumes a narrowband signal, and the frequency shift should be within the bandwidth limitations of the fading channel model being used.


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