This is a conceptual question on how to apply a radial basis function as a lifting function to approximate the Koopman operator.
Given a dataset of two variables, Xc and Xv, with 10 data points ("D" is a dataset, which is a 2 X 10 matrix):
D = [Xc(1) ......Xv(10);
Xv(1) .... Xv(10)]
==> Example: Let's say I select my Koopman lifting functions for Z as the identity functions, and their cross product:
Z(1) = [Xc(1); Xv(1); Xc(1)*Xv(1)]....
Z(10) = [Xc(10); Xv(10); Xc(10)*Xv(10)]
==> Example 2: If I make my lifting functions as all monomials up to order 2:
Z(1) = [Xc(1); Xv(1); Xc(1)*Xv(1); Xc(1)*Xc(1); Xv(1)*Xv(1)]....
Z(10) = [Xc(10); Xv(10); Xc(10)*Xv(10); Xc(10)*Xc(10); Xv(10)*Xv(10)]
Great! No problems so far.
==> Now, my real question is: how do I use a radial basis function to my dataset "D" as a lifting function? I know that one such RBF is the inverse quadratuc:
Y = 1 / (1 + (er)^2 )
How do I use this as a lifting function for my dataset D?