How to extract string/numbers after a keyword in a text

조회 수: 13 (최근 30일)
Jasmine Zhu
Jasmine Zhu 2023년 5월 30일
댓글: Jasmine Zhu 2023년 5월 31일
I have a text like the following.
DATAID="P=01 R=14 (H)"
UNIQUE ID: {fd652be6-76e5-476d-ace0-bf2981887cf2}
PROCESS DATE: 2022-06-29 18:13
DURATION: 38 h 36 m 20 s
How to extract the corresponding value after a given keyword? For instance, I would like to have
keyword = "LAT"
lat = [3,26,1.6];
keyword = "ACQDATE"
date = 04/11/22;
keyword = "EMPTY"
emptyval = 1.0E32;
keyword = "UNIQUE ID"
uid = 'fd652be6-76e5-476d-ace0-bf2981887cf2';
Would there be a function that can take care of all types of values?
  댓글 수: 2
the cyclist
the cyclist 2023년 5월 30일
편집: the cyclist 2023년 5월 30일
Can you upload the text file? You can use the paper clip icon in the INSERT section of the toolbar.
Also, can you be more specific about what you need? For example, do you just want to input a keyword, and have MATLAB store/output the corresponding value? Or, do you want MATLAB to figure out all the keyword-value pairs and store them?
Jasmine Zhu
Jasmine Zhu 2023년 5월 30일
I would like to input the keyword, and get the corresponding value. The file was attached here.

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채택된 답변

dpb 2023년 5월 30일
편집: dpb 2023년 5월 31일
"How to extract the corresponding value after a given keyword?"
data=readlines('Example.txt'); % bring the file into memory for efficiency -- don't open/close every time
keywords=extractBefore(data,"="); % split off keywords for matching -- same length vector as rows in data
while ~matches(upper(instr),'Q')
instr=input("Enter keyword wanted ('Q' to Quit)",'s');
"Would there be a function that can take care of all types of values?"
Only a cell can hold any data type; as the above code snippet illustrates, return the data as a string first, then worry about converting it to the proper data type. But, there is no magic elixir potion there; you'll have to have a lookup table of the data type by keyword or do some parsing testing logic to try to automagically figure out what the variable types are.
datetime may not be too hard; they may be the only field with the forward slash or can use that the keyword may always contain the substring "DATE". I noticed one "DURATION"; study may show other patterns that can be taken advantage of other than just trying to convert. Strings appear to be delimited with " so that also is a clue.
ADDENDUM: Edited to use separate keywords array so can match explicitly without other gyrations. One could split the original array into two arrays with split on the "=" sign, but that would entail removing the other header records as split() is very unforgiving in requiring exactly the same number of fields for every record.
  댓글 수: 3
dpb 2023년 5월 30일
Was "air code" -- "contains" may be safe for this function, but it might be risky and, depending upon what the total population of keywords is, it might not always produce the desired result. If one keyword is a substring within another, both will match whereas you should ensure there is only one match.
The more robust solution would be to first extract the keywords as in
then do the matches comparison on that set instead of the full string.
Jasmine Zhu
Jasmine Zhu 2023년 5월 31일
Very helpful. Thank you!

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추가 답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 5월 31일
You might like to know about dictionary
help dictionary
dictionary - Object that maps unique keys to values A dictionary is useful for fast lookup of values in a larger set. Creation Syntax d = dictionary(keys,values) d = dictionary(k1,v1,...,kN,vN) d = dictionary Input Arguments keys - Keys scalar | array values - Values scalar | array | cell array k1,v1,...,kN,vN - Key-value pairs (as separate arguments) scalar | array Usage Syntax valueOut = d(keys) d(keys) = newValues d(keys) = [] valueOut = d{keys} d{keys} = newValues Object Functions entries - Key-value pairs of dictionary isConfigured - Determine if dictionary has types assigned to keys and values isKey - Determine if dictionary contains key keys - Keys of dictionary numEntries - Number of key-value pairs in dictionary types - Types of dictionary keys and values values - Values of dictionary Examples Create and Manage a Dictionary Store Multiple Data Types in a Dictionary Create Empty Configured Dictionary Add Entries to Unconfigured Dictionary See also entries, keys, values, types, numEntries, isConfigured, isKey, keyHash, keyMatch Introduced in MATLAB in R2022b Documentation for dictionary doc dictionary


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