Hello Bobby,
Your assumption is correct: To estimate range and acceleration time you need to employ a bit of MATLAB scripting. I can help you with that.
I will show you how to do this by using the Virtual Vehicle Composer in the 23a version (the procedure should work also for previous versions). In the explanation below, I use as example a vehicle model generated with the Virtual Vehicle Composer which includes only longitudinal dynamic.
Calculate accelration time:
To calculate the acceleration time you have to first select the Wide Open Throttle (WOT) test in the Reference Generator Block (contained in the Scenarios subsystem). Once the WOT is selected, do not forget to click on "Set Model Simulation Time" button right below.
This will activate the Wide Open Throttle test. The driver will try to follow the speed profile given by this test. To estimate the acceleration time, you cannot use the speed profile given by the Reference Generator since this is the profile that the driver will try to follow and does not correspond to the actual speed of the vehicle.
Therefore, you have to monitor the actual vehicle speed over time. By default the vehicle speed is one of the signal that is logged in the model created by the Virtual Vehicle composer:
Again by default the simulation results of a model created with the Virtual Vehicle Composer are saved in the MATLAB Workspace in a variable named out. You can visualize the logged signal after a simulation by calling the following line in the command window
Which will show a list of the logged signals (see below):
We are interested in the speed and we can retrieve it by using the command
speed(:,1) = out.logsout.getElement('<xdot>').Values.Time;
speed(:,2) = out.logsout.getElement('<xdot>').Values.Data;
Now you can further analyze this vector to estimate how much time it takes to the vehicle to reach the speed of 100 km/h (pay attention that the first second of the WOT the vehicle does not move and make sure you are using the correct units for the speed).
Calculate range:
The range calculation follows a similar pattern as above. First of all, you have to select in the Reference Generator Block which drive cycle you want to use for the consumption simulation (in the presentation you linked we used the WLTP).
Now you have to log the vehicle consumption. This signal is not logged by default. The easiest way to start is to log the battery power signal, which logs the power output of the battery over time during the simulation. You can log this signal by going in the subsytem: ConfiguredVirtualVehicleModel/Vehicle/Plant Models/Simulink Models (ConfiguredVirtualVehiclePlantModel)/Electrical System/Electrical System (see below).
The signal will be logged under the name 'BattPwr' (the same name it has in the simulink model) and can be called after the simulation with this line of code:
simTime = out.logsout.getElement('BattPwr').Values.Time;
pwrBatt = out.logsout.getElement('BattPwr').Values.Data;
With this you can calculate the energy power taken out from the battery
energyUsed = trapz(simTime, pwrLoss)/3600/1000;
Now you can just divide this value for the length of the cycle (for example in km) to derive the vehicle consumption in kWh/km.
Finally, based on the battery energy content that you have set (normally expressed in kWh) you can extrapolate the range of the vehicle.
Hope this helps,