How would I remove multiple specific elements from an array.

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Oliver Ries
Oliver Ries 2023년 5월 24일
댓글: Image Analyst 2023년 6월 10일
The elements I want to remove from array B are displayed from r(i). The current code at the bottom only gets rid of one of the values returned from r(i), but it returns 2 values and I need both removed from the array without just removing them specifically at their location incase entering a new data set changes the locations of the elements I am getting rid of. Thanks!
Data = [923 916 932 927 908 931 953 926 919 963];
B = sort(Data,'ascend');
n = numel(B);
xmin = B(1);
xmax = B(n);
Q1 = round(.25*(n+1));
Q3 = round(.75*(n+1));
atQ1 = B(Q1);
atQ3 = B(Q3);
IQR = atQ3 - atQ1;
MO = 1.5*IQR;
for i = 1:length(B)
if B(i) <=(atQ1-MO) || B(i) >=(atQ3+MO)
r(i) = B(i);
g = B(B~=r(i));

답변 (3개)

Selena Mastrodonato
Selena Mastrodonato 2023년 5월 24일
If I have understood correctly, you could replace your second-last line of code with B(B==r) = []
Data = [923 916 932 927 908 931 953 926 919 963];
B = sort(Data,'ascend');
n = numel(B);
xmin = B(1);
xmax = B(n);
Q1 = round(.25*(n+1));
Q3 = round(.75*(n+1));
atQ1 = B(Q1);
atQ3 = B(Q3);
IQR = atQ3 - atQ1;
MO = 1.5*IQR;
for i = 1:length(B)
if B(i) <=(atQ1-MO) || B(i) >=(atQ3+MO)
r(i) = B(i);
953 963
B(B==r) = []
B = 1×8
908 916 919 923 926 927 931 932
So that you delete all the elements present in r
  댓글 수: 2
Oliver Ries
Oliver Ries 2023년 5월 24일
this doesnt seem to be working for me.
Oliver Ries
Oliver Ries 2023년 5월 24일
I think what is happening is my for loop finds the first value but then replaces it when it runs again with the next value. How do I save all the values into one array.

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Torsten 2023년 5월 24일
편집: Torsten 2023년 5월 24일
Data = [923 916 932 927 908 931 953 926 919 963];
B = sort(Data,'ascend');
n = numel(B);
xmin = B(1);
xmax = B(n);
Q1 = round(.25*(n+1));
Q3 = round(.75*(n+1));
atQ1 = B(Q1);
atQ3 = B(Q3);
IQR = atQ3 - atQ1;
MO = 1.5*IQR;
g = B(B>(atQ1-MO) & B<(atQ3+MO))
g = 1×8
908 916 919 923 926 927 931 932
  댓글 수: 2
Oliver Ries
Oliver Ries 2023년 5월 24일
This worked. Its amazing how much more simple this one is.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2023년 6월 10일
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Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2023년 5월 24일
I would use the rmoutliers function with the "quartiles" method.
Data = [923 916 932 927 908 931 953 926 919 963];
g2 = sort(rmoutliers(Data, "quartiles"))
g2 = 1×8
908 916 919 923 926 927 931 932


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