render process terminated: null java.lang.​NoSuchFiel​dError: TS_PROCESS_OOM

조회 수: 268 (최근 30일)
Selin Ertunan
Selin Ertunan 2023년 5월 22일
댓글: Chun Siong Soon 2024년 10월 15일
I have trouble for a few days about running optimization tools in live script. When I'm running the choosen file; I'll just be scrolling through a seems run for a whole day and bam, at the and of the day all-white editor with the following printed in the command window:
render process terminated: null
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TS_PROCESS_OOM
At this point, I'm forced to restart MATLAB to continue working. This seems to happen 1-3 times per day, and my memory usage for the whole computer never exceeds 50% of my available memory. So, it's not a memory limitation on the system (but it could be that MATLAB is doing a poor job using the available memory).
I have this problem in both matlab app and online version. Before a few days ago I have not such problems running things in live script.

답변 (1개)

Shivani 2023년 6월 1일
Hi Selin,
This error message usually indicates that the process has run out of memory and is not able to allocate more. This may not necessarily be referring to your system’s memory. The amount of memory allocated for the Java heap memory in MATLAB may have been insufficient for the current process. You can go to Preferences -> MATLAB -> General -> Java Heap Memory and increase the allocated memory to prevent the JAVA process from running out of memory. Please note that you will have to restart your system after changing this setting.
You can look at the MATLAB threads attached below to gain more insights regarding this and on how to recover any Livescript that you may have lost due to the crash:
You can read up on the documentation attached below if you are facing any issue while updating the JAVA heap memory size:
Hope this helps!
  댓글 수: 3
Yue 2024년 4월 2일
Hi Selin,
I am facing the same problem! which version of MATLAB did you reinstall? Were there any changes needed to make during the reinstallization?
Chun Siong Soon
Chun Siong Soon 2024년 10월 15일
Have been using the current version for a year now. Suddenly this problem occurs. Maxed out Java Heap Memory from day 1. So this likely has absolutely nothing to do with memory size. Restarted Matlab twice. This happens within 5mins and editor goes blank. Hopefully restarting the machine will help...

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