Maximum likelihood estimation approach

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Tanvi 2015년 4월 9일
hello sir, i am doing project on ICA, i am facing a problem in separating images. i am getting MSE of the order of 10^3. basically i've taken three images, mixed them by : X=AS, where A is mixing matrix. after this i did centering of X and then normalized it. after this i generated a weight matrix W and i wrote the equation of weight matrix in whike loop. this loop will run till either count==100 or MSE the equation of weight matrix is: W=W+0.0001*(I-(gu*u'))*W; where gi(ui) =0; ui<v; a sign(ui); ui=v v lies between 0 and 1.732. nd ui=W*X. please help me...

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