Using variable legend in a for loop

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Ashi Khajotia
Ashi Khajotia 2023년 5월 19일
댓글: Ashi Khajotia 2023년 5월 22일
So while using variable legend code, the color of curves and that of legend are mismatching. And when y = 0, there is a colored line which is coming out of nowhhere. Can anybody be kind enough to help?
n0 = 1;
lam = 3:0.01:7;
a1 = 3.263;
b1 = 0.1644;
n1 = sqrt(1 + (a1.*(lam.^2))./((lam.^2) - (b1^2)));
ns = 1.5;
th = 0;
ii = 1;
for k = 3:1:7
d1 = k./(4*(2.06));
for j = 1:numel(lam)
phi1 =2*pi.*(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1).^2 - sind(th).^2);
D0 = [1 1; n0 -n0];
D_0 = inv(D0);
D1 = [1 1;n1(j) -n1(j)];
D_1 = inv(D1);
Ds = [1 1;ns -ns];
P1 = [exp(1i.*phi1(j)) 0; 0 exp(-1i.*phi1(j))];
M = D_0*D1*P1*D_1*Ds;
r(j,k) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);
R(j,k) = abs(r(j,k).^(2));
leg_str{ii} = ['k = ' num2str(k)];
ii = ii + 1;
hold on;

채택된 답변

VBBV 2023년 5월 19일
편집: VBBV 2023년 5월 19일
n0 = 1;
lam = 3:0.01:7;
a1 = 3.263;
b1 = 0.1644;
n1 = sqrt(1 + (a1.*(lam.^2))./((lam.^2) - (b1^2)));
ns = 1.5;
th = 0;
ii = 1;
for k = 3:1:7
d1 = k./(4*(2.06));
for j = 1:numel(lam)
phi1 =2*pi.*(d1./lam).*sqrt((n1).^2 - sind(th).^2);
D0 = [1 1; n0 -n0];
D_0 = inv(D0);
D1 = [1 1;n1(j) -n1(j)];
D_1 = inv(D1);
Ds = [1 1;ns -ns];
P1 = [exp(1i.*phi1(j)) 0; 0 exp(-1i.*phi1(j))];
M = D_0*D1*P1*D_1*Ds;
r(j,k-2) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);
R(j,k-2) = abs(r(j,k-2).^(2));
leg_str{k-2} = ['k = ' num2str(k)];
hold on;
  댓글 수: 2
VBBV 2023년 5월 19일
편집: VBBV 2023년 5월 19일
The below lines in your code needs a change, since for loop for the r(j,k) and R(j,k) matrices with index k begins at 3 and ends at 7. Matlab considers (computes) preceding elements i.e. 1 to 2 as zeros for those matrices.
So, when plotting the graph, it is treated as zeros, and corresponding legend is displayed for zeros.
r(j,k-2) = M(2,1)./M(1,1);
R(j,k-2) = abs(r(j,k-2).^(2));
Ashi Khajotia
Ashi Khajotia 2023년 5월 22일
thanks a lot for your help!!

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