switch case

조회 수: 19 (최근 30일)
shahid Alam
shahid Alam 2011년 10월 28일
댓글: ahmed al-kady 2015년 11월 9일
i need help here...to run a system in simulink an error is showed : Port 2 of 'final/Subsystem4/Subsystem2/Switch Case' can only be connected to an action subsystem and may not be connected to more than one action subsystem....if possible plz help me here.....

채택된 답변

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011년 10월 28일
The message is clear. The output of the "Switch Case" block can only be connected to one (and only one) "Switch Case Action Subsystem" block, which can be found in library "Ports & Subsystems". Remember to connect the "Action Port", not the "Inport".
Open sl_subsys_sw1.mdl to see an example.

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shahid Alam
shahid Alam 2011년 10월 28일
tnx for your reply. according to your advice I used two different subsystems one is 'Switch Case Action Subsytem' and another is 'Function-call Subsystem'.It is showing same error.If u say that I cant connect two sub systems at the output of switch case then plz give me a solution. And in case of "Switch Case Action Subsytem" i need to use two inputs so if i just add another input inside of its (Switch Case Action Subsytem)mask, will be it okay? If it is possible I would like to share my simulink(.mdl) file to check it by yourself. thanks in advance.
  댓글 수: 2
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2011년 10월 28일
The output of the "Switch Case" block is a trigger. It can only trigger one subsystem. If you need to trig more than one, you can probably put all the things that you want to trig inside the "Switch Case Action Subsytem".
You can add as many Inport blocks as you want.
ahmed al-kady
ahmed al-kady 2015년 11월 9일
please i need to reset the switch case after triggering another case, as it hold the output even if the input signal is changed. thanks in advance.

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