Bringing plots to the "front" to make them more visible?

조회 수: 369 (최근 30일)
HC98 2023년 5월 16일
편집: Stephen23 2023년 5월 16일
I'm plotting 2 quantities: I'm plotting a seried of values and overlaying the mean on top.
The trouble is, the mean line is underneath the main data series which makes it very hard to pickout on the plot. Is there a way to change the ordering so that it sits on top of the other data series like layers in photoshop? I tried playing with the transparency with
p2 = plot(x, data, 'k');
p2.Color(4) = 0.2;
hold on
plot(x, means)
hold off

답변 (2개)

Stephen23 2023년 5월 16일
편집: Stephen23 2023년 5월 16일
"s there a way to change the ordering so that it sits on top of the other data series like layers in photoshop?"
Of course, use UISTACK:
For example:
lnh = plot(2,3,'b-*'); % blue is plotted first
hold on
plot(1:3,2:4,'r-*') % and is underneath red,
uistack(lnh,'top') % but we can bring it to the front!

VBBV 2023년 5월 16일
편집: VBBV 2023년 5월 16일
Use a marker and increase fontsize
p2 = plot(x, data, 'k');
p2.Color(4) = 0.2;
hold on
plot(x, means,'ro','MarkerSize',12,'MarkerFaceColor','r')
hold off


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