Modelling Heat Transfer of water flow through a concrete duct, Can't get my water value to stay at 5 degrees

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
k = 5; %Thermal conductivity of concrete - W/mK
T_w = 5; %Temperature of water - DegC
%Temperature surface
h = 100; %Convective heat transfer of water - W/m^2K
q_gen = 500; %Heat generation from top surface W/m^2
T_ts = 100; %Intial guess of top surface temperature - DegC
R = 5; %Grid resolution - mm
dx = 0.001*R; %Distance between nodes in x direction - m
dy = 0.001*R; %Distance between nodes in y direction - m
A = (100/R)+1;
B = (60/R)+1;
C = (30/R)+1;
D = (20/R)+1;
E = 5/R+1;
F = 35/R+1;
G = 50/R+1;
H = 25/R+1;
I = 75/R+1;
AA = 80/R +1;
T = ones(A,B)*T_ts;
Tp = T;
%x = 1;
i = 0;
error = 1;
max_error = 1e-6;
max_iter = 100000;
q = zeros(1,A);
Ts = zeros(1,A);
L = (0:R:100);
N = 1;
while error>max_error && i<max_iter
i = i + 1;
Tp = T;
for n = 1:A
for m = 1:B
%Water temperature
if (D<n)&&(n<AA)&&(C<m)&&(m<G)
Tp(n,m) = T_w;
%Top left corner Node ("Node 1")
elseif (m==1)&&(n==1)
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m,n+1)+T_ts+Tp(m+1,n))/3 + (2*q_gen*dx*dx)/(3*k);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n+1,m)+T_ts+Tp(n,m+1))/3 + (2*q_gen*dx*dx)/(3*k);
%Top horizontal edge of concrete ("Node 2")
elseif ((m==E)&&(m==B))&&(1==n)
T(n,m) = (Tp(m-1,n))/6 + (T_ts+Tp(m,n-1)+Tp(m+1,n))/3 + (q_gen*dx^2)/(3*k);
%Fully Enclosed Concrete Nodes ("Node ")
elseif (1<m)&&(m<B)&&(1<n)&&(n<D) || (1<m)&&(m<B)&&(n<17)&&(n==A) || (1<n)&&(n<A)&&(1<m)&&(m<C) || (G<m)&&(m<B)&&(1<n)&&(n<A)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m-1,n)+ Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n+1)+Tp(m,n-1))/4;
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m-1)+ Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n+1,m)+Tp(n-1,m))/4;
%Left vertical edge %("Node ")
elseif (n==1) && (1>m) && (m<A)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m,n+1)+Tp(m,n-1))/4 + (Tp(m+1,n))/2;
T(n,m) = (Tp(n+1,m)+Tp(n-1,m))/4 + (Tp(n,m+1))/2;
%Top left Corner of Water Node 59
elseif (m==D)&&(n==C)
%T(n,m)= (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m,n+1))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n-1))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
T(n,m)= (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n+1,m))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n-1,m))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
%Top Right Corner of Water
elseif (m==D)&&(n==G)
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n+1))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m,n-1))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n+1,m))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n-1,m))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
%Bottom Left Corner of Water
elseif (m==AA)&&(n==C)
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m,n-1))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n+1))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n-1,m))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n+1,m))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
%Bottom Right Corner of Water Node 219
elseif (m==AA)&&(n==G)
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n-1))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m,n+1))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n-1,m))/(3+(h*dx)/k)+ (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n+1,m))/(6+(2*h*dx)/k) + (h*dx*T_w)/(3*k+h*dx);
%Top of Water
elseif (n==D)&&(C<m)&&(m<G)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m,n+1)*k + (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m+1,n))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(m,n-1)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n+1,m)*k + (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n,m+1))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(n-1,m)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
%Bottom of Water
elseif (n==AA)&&(C<m)&&(m<G) %(17, 8-10)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m,n-1)*k + (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m+1,n))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(m,n+1)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n-1,m)*k + (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n,m+1))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(n+1,m)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
%Left side of Water
elseif (m==C)&&(D<n)&&(n<AA)
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m-1)*k + (Tp(n+1,m)+Tp(n-1,m))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(n,m+1)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m-1,n)*k + (Tp(m,n+1)+Tp(m,n-1))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(m+1,n)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
%Right Side of Water
elseif (m==G)&&(D<n)&&(n<AA)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m+1,n)*k + (Tp(m,n+1)+Tp(m,n-1))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(m-1,n)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m+1)*k + (Tp(n+1,m)+Tp(n-1,m))*(k/2-(h*dx)/2)+h*dx*(Tp(n,m-1)+T_w))/(2*k+h*dx);
%Bottom Nodes Insulated
elseif (m==A)&&(1<n)&&(n==B)
%T(n,m) = (Tp(m-1,n)+Tp(m+1,n))/4 + (Tp(m,n+1))/2;
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m-1)+Tp(n,m+1))/4 + (Tp(n+1,m))/2;
%Bottom Left Corner Node
elseif (m<1)&&(n==A)
% T(n,m) = (Tp(m+1,n)+Tp(m,n+1))/2;
T(n,m) = (Tp(n,m+1)+Tp(n+1,m))/2;
%Temp(i, :, :) = T;
%Error Calculation
error = max(abs(T-Tp),[],'all');
it_error(i) = error;
Tp = T;
%T = T';
% Tp = Tp';
for N = 1:B
q(N) = h*dx*(T(1,N)-T_w);
Ts(N) = T(1,N);
q_total = sum(q);
Q = q_total/0.1;
For the water temp part I need the internal water nodes to be constant at 5 degrees, however it keeps reverting to the surface temp guess

답변 (1개)

Udit06 2023년 8월 24일
Hi Lee,
After analysing your code, I found out that you are updating the variable Tp instead of updating T due to which you are facing this issue.
You can make the following change to resolve the issue.
%Water temperature
if (D<n)&&(n<AA)&&(C<m)&&(m<G)
T(n,m) = T_w;
%Rest of the code
I hope this helps.

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