Commenting out Simulink block changes in unrelated system

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
John 2023년 5월 3일
댓글: Paul 2023년 5월 13일
I have an issue where "Commenting Through" a Simulink block semmingly changes the response of an unrelated system.
Say I have unrelated sys A and sys B. Exactly what they are aren't as relevant for now (I think).
The top sys A is off-screen at the connection, but is independent of the bottom sys B. A's output plotted is called "y LQGI_DOB intl err".
The bottom sys B is shown in entirety, so is independent of anything else.
They both have an inline filter (5e5 / ...).
The left-most shared input is from essentially a signal generator, eg assume it's a sin-wave. It's a one-directional source that has nothing to do with any outputs in the system.
Here's the response: (note the peak of ~2e4)
Then comment through the filter of sys A like so -- nothing else changed:
And here's the response: (note the peak value for BOTH outputs is ~3e3)
Here's both responses together just for comparison: green/blue is both filters in, red/yellow is one filter commented through.
How is it possible for a self-contained sys B's output to be impacted by a change to sys A? What might be going on?

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Paul 2023년 5월 3일
Hi John,
Do you have reason to believe that either pair of responses is correct? Just asking because having some idea what the response should be can be helpful in figuring out problems like this in Simulink.
One way that self-contained B can be affected by A is if the model is using a variable step solver and commenting through that filter in A changes the solver step size compuations as the model simulates.
  댓글 수: 4
John 2023년 5월 11일
"I should point out that the fixed step solvers also have an auto option, so this issue is not limited to the variable step solvers."
Good to know, thanks.
"Are you making those plots by logging the signals and plotting after the simulation? If so, what do the time steps look like in those logged signals for the two different cases?"
Yes; and you're right, they're different: the time steps change by a factor 100x between the two versions...
"What solver is the model using and what is the Max Step Size setting if a variable step solver or the Fixed Step Size if a fixed step solver?"
" For the variable step solver I always set the Max Step Size to a value that I think is reasonable based on my understanding of the model dynamics,"
Makes sense. I assumed SL would know what max step size needs to be based on the dynamics of the system its running -- it has access to every components, after all...
Paul 2023년 5월 13일
Hi John,
Did manually setting the Max Step Size parameter in the solver pane prove fruitful?
I don't know how SL deals with Max Step Size if it's set to 'auto'. Maybe the doc page for the solver pane has more info on how that works.

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