Can I put words in branching statements?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
shreekanteshwara M S
shreekanteshwara M S 2023년 4월 29일
댓글: Walter Roberson 2023년 4월 29일
I have a formula which says that F= 1/2*A*Cd*(V+/- Vair)^2
If the air is headwind, The formula is (V+Vair)^2
If the air is tailwind, The formula is (V-Vair)^2
If wind i s not there then the value of Vair is 0.
Can I code this? And also in function?

답변 (1개)

VBBV 2023년 4월 29일
편집: VBBV 2023년 4월 29일
Yes, you can use conditional if-else statements like this preferably inside a function
function V = myFunction(V,V_air,air)
if strcmp(air,"headwind")
V = (V+V_air).^2;
elseif strcmp(air,"tailwind")
V = (V-V_air).^2;
V_air = 0;


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