How can you stop a LabVIEW VI from MATLAB script?

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
jearky Lai
jearky Lai 2023년 4월 27일
댓글: Luke 2025년 1월 16일
I was wondering if I could stop a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB. I just want to stop the VI at a specific time through my MATLAB code.
I have learned how to run a LabVIEW VI through a command/function in MATLAB from the blog
Does anybody have an idea?

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Sachin 2023년 5월 12일
I understand that you want to stop the LabVIEW from MATLAB script.
You can use “Abort” function to stop a LabVIEW VI.
Refer the following link to Abort LabVIEW VI.
Refer the following MATLAB Answer for more information:
  댓글 수: 2
jearky Lai
jearky Lai 2023년 5월 12일
Thank you for the detailed answer !
Luke 2025년 1월 16일
When i launch a LabView vi from matlab,matlab will wait for the vi to close before it continues so that i cannot stop the vi through matlab script.Do you know how to deal with this problem?

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