Accessing multidimensional array with pairwise indices

조회 수: 21 (최근 30일)
Stefan 2015년 3월 27일
답변: Jon 2015년 3월 30일
Hi everybody
Probably a stupid question but I can't get my head around it. Suppose A is a matrix with dimensions (20,20,1000). I have two vectors x and y with pairwise indices (lets say 5x1). Is there an easy & fast (vectorized) way to extract A(x(1),y(1),:), A(x(2),y(2),:) ... A(x(5),y(5),:)? The only solution I came up with would be sub2ind for the first two dimensions and repmat to expand a binary mask of the indices to the third dimension but that's probably not ideal performance- and memory-wise?
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
  댓글 수: 2
James Tursa
James Tursa 2015년 3월 27일
How do you want the extracted data (a bunch of 1000 element "vectors") arranged in the result variable?
Stefan 2015년 3월 28일
The output variable should be formatted as a matrix with numel(x) x size(A,3), so here a matrix with dimensions 5x1000

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답변 (5개)

Jon 2015년 3월 30일
I think your for loop is only getting data off the top page of the array. When I run your code, B is [ni 1], but all the others results are [ni 2000]. You need to change the last index in A from '1' to ':'. You can also speed up your loop by initializing B before the loop.
for i=1:numel(ix)
Also, I found the error in my snippet. The third line should be
With these changes, I get the following results for ni=1000.
forloop =0.074519
bsxfun1 =0.040455
bsxfun2 =0.077431

dpb 2015년 3월 27일
One solution; not sure if it's the fastest or not...returns an array of columns length as number of elements i the index arrays by the depth of the planes in the 3D array. Miniature example...
>> x=rand(3,3,2) % small data array
x(:,:,1) =
0.1524 0.9961 0.1067
0.8258 0.0782 0.9619
0.5383 0.4427 0.0046
x(:,:,2) =
0.7749 0.0844 0.8001
0.8173 0.3998 0.4314
0.8687 0.2599 0.9106
>> ix=[3 1];iy=[2 2]; % x,y coordinates to select
>> squeeze(cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i,j) x(i,j,:),ix,iy,'uniformoutput',0)))
ans =
0.4427 0.2599
0.9961 0.0844

Jon 2015년 3월 27일
I think sub2ind is the recommended approach in most cases. If you want to avoid repmat, you can do something like this.
>> A=rand(3,3,2)
A(:,:,1) =
0.35166 0.54972 0.7572
0.83083 0.91719 0.75373
0.58526 0.28584 0.38045
A(:,:,2) =
0.56782 0.5308 0.12991
0.075854 0.77917 0.56882
0.05395 0.93401 0.46939
>> ix=[3 1];iy=[2 2];
% Pull out the top page of the array for sizing
>> A1=A(:,:,1)
% get the indices of the rows/columns you want
>> ind=sub2ind(size(A1),ix,iy));
% extend the indices to cover all pages of the 3D array
>> ind2=bsxfun(@sum,ind',0:numel(A1):numel(A)-numel(A1));
% pull out the elements of the array you want
>> B=A(ind2)
B =
0.28584 0.93401
0.54972 0.5308
You can even put everything in one line if you want.

Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2015년 3월 28일
If, as you have indicated, x and y are column vectors, do this:
B = reshape(A(bsxfun(@plus,(x+20*(y-1)).',(20*20)*(0:999).')),1,[]);

Stefan 2015년 3월 28일
Thanks for all the help and replies. I tested all the suggestions with a bigger matrix and compared the computation time. "Unfortunately" the for-loop beats all the other solutions, for larger indexing vectors (larger ni in the code) this might change. For Jon's example I get an error in the bsxfun statement, but it seems to be similar to the last approach. Here are the times I get:
0.0019704 % for loop
0.22081 % arrayfun
0.018394 % bsxfun
and the code:
%for loop
for i=1:numel(ix)
%first suggestion
B1=squeeze(cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i,j) A(i,j,:),ix,iy,'uniformoutput',0)));
%second suggestion, error in bsxfun statement
% A1=A(:,:,1);
% ind=sub2ind(size(A1),ix,iy);
% ind2=bsxfun(@sum,ind',0:numel(A1):numel(A)-numel(A1));
% B2=A(ind2);
% t(3)=toc;
%third suggestion
B3 = permute(A(bsxfun(@plus,(ix+size(A,1)*(iy-1)).',(size(A,1)*size(A,2))*(0:size(A,3)-1).')),[2 1]);
  댓글 수: 1
Stefan 2015년 3월 28일
just to add, for ni=1000, the third code snippet is a clear winner:
3.6153 % for loop
0.81556 % arrayfun
0.18155 % bsxfun

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