Error on saving .fig files

조회 수: 54 (최근 30일)
Susan 2023년 4월 10일
편집: Susan 2023년 4월 12일
Hi All,
I have a nested for loop, and at the very last for loop, I plot the data and save them as a ".fig" in a folder. It works well for the first 7 figs but then gives me the error saying, "The file could not be closed and might now be corrupt." I ensure to close each figure after saving them out and don't get what this error is about. Any help would be appreciated.

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Praveen Reddy
Praveen Reddy 2023년 4월 12일
Hi Susan,
I understand that you are encountering an error while trying to save plotted data in every iteration of a “for” loop as .FIG files in a directory . You can create a figure window before the for loop and make sure you clear the plot after saving the figure in each iteration. Attaching simple code snippet for your reference.
for i=1:5
saveas(h,sprintf('FIG%d.fig',i)); % will create FIG1, FIG2,...
The error you are facing could also be due to character encoding, which can be resolved in preferences. Go to Home>Preferences>General>MAT-Files and make sure that you have chosen “Version 7.0 or later” or “Version 7.3 or later”.
  댓글 수: 1
Susan 2023년 4월 12일
편집: Susan 2023년 4월 12일
@Praveen Reddy Thank you so much for the suggestions. They solved the issue :)

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