How to see sample input data to MATLAB

조회 수: 5 (최근 30일)
Masahiro 2023년 4월 9일
댓글: Eduardo Lugo Hernández 2024년 11월 27일
I would like to make a geobubble chart.
In this MathWorks website, the sample code read 'tsunamis.xlsx'.
How can I open 'tsunamis.xlsx' to see the table?
Since I am a beginner on MATLAB, I would like to check it.
  댓글 수: 3
Masahiro 2023년 5월 5일
Thank you for your answer! This was helpful.
Eduardo Lugo Hernández
Eduardo Lugo Hernández 2024년 11월 27일 17:32
You can save it in a new var with the save command.

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답변 (1개)

Gokul Nath S J
Gokul Nath S J 2023년 4월 18일
Hi Masahiro,
Based on your query it seems, it seems that you would like to see the tsunamis.xlsx data. The following steps would ensure you to view the data
  • Copy the command 'openExample('graphics/DisplayTsunamiDataFromTableExample')' and paste it in the MATLAB Editor.
  • Run the file and make sure it ran without errors.
  • On the right side in the workspace, double click on the 'tsunamis' variable. A table will open up in the main window.
with regards,
Gokul Nath S J
  댓글 수: 1
Masahiro 2023년 5월 5일
Thank you for your information. I solved my problem!

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