The Lagrangian formulation of the equilibrium equations in index notation is :
For linear solution, we ignore the non-linear strain term in the Green-Lagrange strain tensor E and the first Piola-Kirchoff stress tensor P=F⋅S=F⋅C⋅E :
Thus, (1) will become :
For this 2-D problem, we have :
with using the constitutive relations in matrix form, we have :
replacing the
we have : P.S. :
means the c Coefficient of term
in i-th equation The 2N(2N+1)/2-Element Column Vector representation of c and the matrix representation of c coefficient ( with a “flattening” of the N-by-N-by-2-by-2 tensor to a 2N-by-2N matrix when N=2 ) are :
with using the material properties :
We obtained ![](