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Petri net Toolbox Help

조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Kirsten Hayes
Kirsten Hayes 2023년 3월 27일
답변: Meet 2023년 4월 5일
I am looking to install a Petri Net Toolbox to help with my university project but cannot seem to locate the correct file to download as some seem a bit outdated.
Please can anyone help suggest the correct file to download?
Thank you in advance.

답변 (1개)

Meet 2023년 4월 5일
You can download the latest version 2.4 of Petri Net Toolbox from its official site Petri Net Toolbox for MATLAB (tuiasi.ro).
NOTE : As mentioned on the home page of Petri Net Toolbox website, the current version of the Petri Net toolbox is compatible upto MATLAB 2020b.
If you face any installation related problems, please refer Petri net toolbox installation problem - MATLAB Answers - MATLAB Central (mathworks.com).


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