Integrate Matlab with Google Cloud Run

조회 수: 26 (최근 30일)
Sergio 2023년 3월 14일
답변: Ram Sreekar 2023년 6월 22일
Hi All,
Can anyone recommend a guide on how to deploy a Matlab App on Google Cloud Run (for Windows plataform, preferrably).
Unfortunately, I've only found material for AWS and Azure, as seen here.
Thanks in advance.

답변 (1개)

Ram Sreekar
Ram Sreekar 2023년 6월 22일
Hi Sergio,
MathWorks provides Reference architectures for MATLAB on AWS and Azure (both on Windows and Linux) which can be easily deployed if the user has valid AWS or Azure credentials.
The reference links for the same can be found below:
At this moment, there is no reference architecture provided by MathWorks for deploying MATLAB on other platforms like Google Cloud Run. However, you can deploy and use MATLAB applications on Google Cloud Run as a Docker container by using the official docker image of MATLAB provided by MathWorks. You can find the official docker image for MATLAB on docker hub here.
Refer to the following high-level steps to deploy a MATLAB application on Google Cloud Run using Docker:
  • Create a docker file: The Dockerfile contains instructions to build a Docker container image that includes MATLAB and your application code. You can refer to this MATLAB Dockerfile for doing the same. By using this Dockerfile you can build a Docker image with MATLAB installed using the MATLAB Package Manager. You can also use the optional build arguments to customize it as per your need by specifying the required version of MATLAB, list of products to install, and the location at which to install MATLAB.
  • Build the Docker image: Use the 'docker build' command which creates a docker image of your MATLAB application which can be pushed to docker registry later.
  • Push docker image to a container registry: Push the docker image to docker registry or Google container registry, which is the container registry recommended for Google cloud run.
  • Deploy the container: Pull the docker image from the container registry and deploy it on Google cloud Run using the 'gcloud run deploy' command.
For more details about building and deploying MATLAB docker containers refer to this github repository: mathworks-refarch/matlab-dockerfile.
Refer to this guide to learn more about deploying container images in Google cloud Run: Deploying to Cloud Run | Cloud Run Documentation | Google Cloud
Please note that this is a third-party link which is not published by mathworks.


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