I am trying to solve current equations of a pv cell using fsolve butit keeps showing error, can someone pls see what the error in my code is?
조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
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Here is the main code:
clear all;
Pmpp = 50; %Max Power
Vmpp = 17.98; %Vol at Pmax
Impp = 2.77; %Current at Pmax
Isc= 3; %Short-circuit current
Voc= 22; %Open Circuit Voltage
a= 0.0004; %Temp coeff. of Isc
b= -0.0033; %Temp coeff. of Voc
T = 35;
Tref= 25;
S= 600;
Sref= 1000;
Rs= 0.085;
V= 30;
kref= (1-(Impp/Isc))^(1/(((Vmpp+Rs*Impp)/Voc)-1));
Vo = Voc*(1+ a*log(S/Sref)+ b*(T-Tref));
I= zeros(330,1);
Is = Isc*(1+a*(T-Tref))*(S/Sref);
for i = 1:330
V(i)= (i-1)*0.1;
fhandle = @fun4bisec;
[I]= fsolve(@(I) fhandle(I,V(i)));
y(i)= I;
plot(V,y),grid,hold on;
The code for function fun4bisec is:
function fval1= fun4bisec(Is,kref, Vo,Rs, Voc)
fval1= I(i) -Is*(1-kref.^((V(i)-Vo+Rs*I(i))/Voc));
댓글 수: 0
채택된 답변
2023년 3월 14일
clear all;
Pmpp = 50; %Max Power
Vmpp = 17.98; %Vol at Pmax
Impp = 2.77; %Current at Pmax
Isc= 3; %Short-circuit current
Voc= 22; %Open Circuit Voltage
a= 0.0004; %Temp coeff. of Isc
b= -0.0033; %Temp coeff. of Voc
T = 35;
Tref= 25;
S= 600;
Sref= 1000;
Rs= 0.085;
V= 30;
kref= (1-(Impp/Isc))^(1/(((Vmpp+Rs*Impp)/Voc)-1));
Vo = Voc*(1+ a*log(S/Sref)+ b*(T-Tref));
y= zeros(330,1);
Is = Isc*(1+a*(T-Tref))*(S/Sref);
I0 = 1.0;
for i = 1:330
V(i)= (i-1)*0.1;
fhandle = @fun4bisec;
[I]= fsolve(@(I) fhandle(I,V(i),kref, Vo,Rs, Voc),I0,optimset('Display','none'));
y(i)= I;
I0 = I;
plot(V,y),grid,hold on;
function fval1= fun4bisec(Is,V,kref, Vo,Rs, Voc)
fval1= Is -Is*(1-kref.^((V-Vo+Rs*Is)/Voc));
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