Get Hardware Support package on MATLAB trial license

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Luka 2023년 3월 14일
답변: Jestzer 2023년 3월 15일
I have MATLAB and Simulink trial license but I am not able to install Support Packages for TI C2000. I have tried via MATLAB or download the MATLAB Support packag installer.
In any case of Getting the Add-Ons MATLAB just hangs up and nothing happens.
Is there even possible to use Add-Ons on a trial license?

답변 (1개)

Jestzer 2023년 3월 15일
It is possible to get Support Packages on a trial license. There are few things you can try:
  1. Lower any firewalls, antivirus software, VPNs, proxy servers, or anything else that may be blocking your connection/installation.
  2. Use the Support Software Downloader on a different computer or on a different network to download everything properly.
  3. Install the Support Packages you need on another computer and then copy the SupportPackage folder over to the computer where you're failing to install it.
  4. Look at the installation log file to see what files are being blocked and then download them yourself. I don't know know what release of MATLAB or Operating System your computer is using, so I can't tell you exactly where that will be.


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